
Welcome! My name is Irene and I'm an avid parrot enthusiast and breeding assistant. It all began when I was little and got my first parrot pet. Since then, there wasn't a time when I didn't have a chirping bird around. I'll gladly share the experience and knowledge I've gathered after years of parrot ownership and sanctuary volunteering!

different parrots

Are Parrots Edible?

Most parrot owners usually build an affectionate, solid bond with their pet.If you keep the parrot as a pet, you hardly think of eating it. Although in some countries, parrots are used as a tasty dish. So are parrots really edible? The answer is yes. Parrot meat can be used as a meal. But in …

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are macaws smart

Are Macaws the Smartest Parrots?

Parrots are known as the most intelligent pets! When people buy these colorful birds, they expect a clever companion who’ll be a little more “conversational” than other pets like dogs or cats.  However, not all people know that there are various levels of intelligence even among parrots. And Macaws are a clearly popular choice among …

Are Macaws the Smartest Parrots? Read More »

sleeping parrot

Are Parakeets Loud at Night? 

Somehow, there is a strong stereotype out there that parakeets are loud at night. And this simple sentence is a crucial factor that discourages people from buying this beautiful bird. I wouldn’t want such unfairness to befall any parrot. So, let’s check our facts and learn whether the stereotype is truthful or not.  Frankly, this …

Are Parakeets Loud at Night?  Read More »