Should Lovebirds Be Kept In Pairs?

Those who are in love are oftentimes referred to as lovebirds. Have you ever said that or heard that?
This is quite a compliment and is understandable because lovebird parrots make up the cutest bird couples ever.

Once I wondered if their couples are soo cute, do you have to keep them in pairs?

The answer will depend on the amount of time to are ready to spend with your lovebird. Usually, you don’t have to keep the lovebird parrot in pairs. But if you don’t have enough free time to spend with your bird, getting a companion for your lovebird parrot may be a great idea.

Spending lots of time with your parrot pet will create a deep bond between you two. Your parrots may be preening easily with your hair or shuggling your shoulder.

If you are busy and don’t have enough time to snuggle with your parrot, you may want to get a pal to cuddle with.
So when it comes to getting your lovebird a companion, many questions appear. For example, how do you know your lovebird is lonely? How to prevent their loneliness? Will a pair of birds behave the same or different from a single parrot?

So today, let’s have a closer look and find answers to these and more questions that owners may face. We’ll also go through the ways how lovebird parrots socialize in wild nature.

A Full List of Lovebird Types (With Photo and Video)

Is Your Lovebird Lonely?

Loneliness is a state that can cause depression and other severe conditions in your bird.

If you don’t invest enough time playing with your pet bird, the parrot can become aggressive. For example, if your parrot pecks you, plucks feathers, and screams often, it may be a signal that your bird lacks attention.

So be ready to give your lovebird parrot some extra hours together.

How Do You Keep a Single Lovebird Happy?

If you keep only one lovebird at home, you have the role of a companion for your pet. So you take a commitment to provide your lovely bird a whole pack of attention and socializing it could receive from another bird.

At the same time, you will get the whole set of love and affection from the pet.
Of course, it may take some time to create a bond with your lovebird. First, the parrot has to accept you and build trust with you.

To be a proper companion for your parrot means you play with the pet every day and provide it with lots of toys. But no matter how many toys you supply to the lovebird’s cage, the only fav plaything is you.

Lovebirds are known for their love for mirrors. Other options are rolled paper, toys that make sounds, ropes, perches, etc. Ideally, you can play with your parrot for several short periods of time during the day rather than giving your pet a long several hours interaction.

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Do Pairs of Lovebirds Behave Differently than Single Lovebirds?

Single lovebirds and paired ones treat their owner differently. But to give your parrot a proper level of socializing, some owners prefer to pair their lovebirds.

So when you decide to pair your lovebird parrot mind that you should choose the lovebird of the same species. As lovebirds from different species usually tend to fight and demonstrate aggression towards the other bird in his cage.
In some cases, lovebirds tend to fight with the same-specie birds, but these fights are not as damaging as those between different species of birds.

When you bring a companion for your lovebird in the cage, you should first introduce the birds. Also, it would help if you supervised them to see how they get along with each other.

In a pair, lovebirds tend to show love and affection very often. They create a powerful bond with each other. They are loyal to the companion and cuddly with their pair bird more than the owner.

Pairing your lovebird has a lot of advantages. One of them is that you may be sure that the parrot’s social life is active and the bird remains chatty and brings more joy to your house.

Should Lovebirds Be Kept In Pairs?

How Do Lovebirds Behave with Other Species?

Lovebirds show more affection and tenderness to those they have a bond with, be it human or another lovebird parrot.

They usually show more aggression towards different species and animals that the owner may have in the household. It’s also known that lovebirds can kill bigger parrots like cockatiels, for example. That is why you should oversee the parrot’s behavior when they play with a dog, cat, another bird, or even people they are not familiar with.

How Do Lovebirds Interact with Other Lovebirds in the Wild?

Lovebirds are very social parrots. They live in big noisy flocks in the wild nature. Lovebirds’ flocks preen and vocalize noisily to each other. They are most noisy during the morning and evening hours.

The parrots’ flocks are so large that they need to be loud so they can hear each other. When they rest they like to nuzzle close to each other in twos. This behavior in fact gave them their name “lovebirds”.

Are Lovebirds Monogamous?

Yes, lovebirds tend to be monogamous. And that also explains their name.

Being monogamous is crucial for a healthy life in the flock. Without it, the stability in their flocks is damaged, which may have destructive consequences for the birds in the wild.

Are Lovebirds Cheap? How Much for a Parrot?

Lovebirds can show the behavior of grief and sorrow when they lose their companion. The symptoms may be so deep that the bird gets into depression. Unfortunately, the same works for domesticated lovebirds too.

To sum up, if you have plenty of time to invest in your lovebird parrot, you’d be rewarded in full. Your parrot will be content without another bird. A single lovebird is a great companion because all love and affection will be given to the owner.

Still, pairs of lovebirds make up a delightful scene to watch on an everyday basis. So if you want to supplement your parrot pet with enough socializing and not spend much time on it, go ahead and pair your lovebird with another parrot.