One fact about birds that I love is that they originate from ancient roots and dinosaur times.
So they have predatory roots, basically. The question is how far they have strayed from these roots.
Nowadays, birds known as birds of prey are good hunters. So I started wondering if that relates to parrots as well?
The answer will be No, parrots aren’t the bird of prey. Although they have some characteristics the same as a bird of prey, they usually don’t eat and hunt large animals. Instead, their menu includes mostly fruits, seeds, and vegetables.
Today, let’s discuss what birds of prey are, their evolution, and much more. So let’s not waste a minute!
What Is a Bird of Prey?
A predator is a type of bird that principally chases and eats different creatures that are bigger than the hunter.
Flying predators are referred to in Latin as raptors, and that signifies “to take forcibly”.
What Classifies a Bird of Prey?
The classification of bird of prey includes many physical features used by scientists to define the predators.
Sometimes they also study the DNA of various bird groups to understand if their genes are similar and how they are related between each other.
Common features of birds of prey:
- Sharp eyesight helps them track their food from more considerable distances. For example, buzzards can see their prey from a distance of 3 kilometers.
- Predator birds have strong feet with sharp claws to kill the prey. Claws are called talons.
- They have solid and bent beaks, which assist them with destroying their food into reasonable lumps.
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What Are the Types of Birds of Prey?
There are two big groups of birds of prey. They are diurnal and nocturnal.
Diurnal birds usually hunt during the day, while nocturnal prefer nighttime for hunting.
Hawks, buzzards, harrier, eagles, vultures, ospreys, kites, falcons, and the secretary bird.
Nocturnal predators are 200 species of owls.
Do Parrots Relate to Falcons?
Classification of birds is also done by checking their genetic codes. This helps to find out the relations between different types of birds.
The evolution history of each specie is long and can be complex, so using the DNA data can discover surprising species stories.
While some birds that are pretty different from each other can be close relatives, on the other hand, birds that are entirely the same by appearance may be not in one family at all.

This thing is common for parrots, for example.
Without looking at hereditary genealogies, you would probably not going to presume that imposing hunters, as are hawks more firmly related with our brilliant companion pets than they are to different flying predators, like birds of prey and falcons.
So nevertheless, they look different; if we look at the family tree of parrots, they are relatives with falcons. They can even be called their long-lost cousins!
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Why Are Parrots Not Birds of Prey?
The definition line between birds of prey and other bird is a bit blurred, so understanding if the parrots are birds of prey, can be confusing.
Usually, parrots are not considered a bird of prey. But sometimes, they hunt for small animals, and their genetic code is close to those of falcons.
So why are parrots not birds of prey? We’ll explain this in the following few paragraphs.
What Do Parrots Eat?
Depending on the parrot’s specie that you own, the diet will vary. Also, birds’ diets in captivity and the wild are different. In the wild, parrots adore eating lots of seeds and grains that they collect in the nearby forests, farms, and valleys. Most vitamins parrots get from plant shoots and early greens. Parrots also adore a large amount of fruits and wild berries.
Depending on where the parrot lives, the menu can contain bananas, citrus, apples, kiwis, pineapples, etc.
In the wild, a parrot can hunt for butterflies, tiny insects, and spiders if there are not enough fruits and seeds. But this fact does not mean that parrots can be considered birds of prey. Mostly this is because even in the wild, they don’t hunt for large animals.
In captivity, parrots eat seed pellets and fresh fruits with vegetables.
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Why Do Parrots Have Hooked Beaks?
Parrots have hooked beaks just like their relatives – falcons. But parrots do not use their beaks to tear the flesh of their prey. Instead, their beaks serve as a powerful tool to crack nuts and peel off some fruits. Parrots’ beaks are shorter compared to falcons’ beaks.
Parrots also utilize their hooked beaks to vocalize, climb, groom, play, and care for young parrots. They also use their bills in mating rituals.
Are Parrots Predators or Prey?
The thing that parrot sometimes hunt for small insects and spiders in the wild does not make them predators. On the contrary, parrots often become prey for more giant predators in the wild. More likely, they become someone’s dinner.
This fact influences the behavior of the parrot in captivity.
They are continually ready and have an instinctive reaction to dangerous things.
They have a swift reaction to unexpected movements above or behind them.
Which Animals Eat Parrots?
There are many predators in the tropics that hunt for parrots.
Usually, hawks, snakes, jaguars, monkeys, and bats become a danger for parrot in the wild nature.
Final Thoughts
Developmental history is one convoluted genealogical record, and parrots roost on branches extremely near flying predators.
Parrots have a few comparable highlights to flying predators, like snared bills.
Be that as it may, they don’t utilize them to chase enormous creatures, and that implies they can’t be classed as flying predators.
This article has made sense of what flying predators are, the reason parrots are not flying predators, and has illustrated a portion of the hunters of parrots.