Can Cockatiels Eat Cashews? Cockatiel Dinning Secrets

From time to time, I order food from the grocery store. Once in a while, I decided to get my cockatiel a pack of various nuts, but the delivery messes it up, and in the end, I’ve got a whole pack of cashews. I wasn’t sure if I could give these nuts to my parrot, so I decided to find out first.

So questions are: will cockatiel eat cashews? Are they suitable for the parrot’s health?

To make the long story short – Yes, cockatiels like cashews. This is a fun and nutritive shack for them and other nuts. However, you should avoid giving them salted cashews and nuts. Ensure the quality of the product before you feed your parrot with it. Cashews are packed with microelements, but they are also high in fat and include many calories, so you should give them to your parrot only as a treat or snack and not the primary cause. 

Before giving cashews to your parrots, read the article below to understand what is the best way to provide your parrot with cashews.

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Are Cashews Good for Cockatiels?

Yes, cashews are suitable for your cockatiel in many ways.

Traditionally nuts are safe and suitable for your parrot to digest. Cashews are high in fiber and contain less sugar if we compare them to other nuts. In wild nature, nuts make up an essential part of the parrot’s diet. They keep parrots active and their digestion smooth.

Cashews have enough vitamins, for example, B and C, that help improve heart condition, develop strong immune system and prevent any diseases.

On top of everything mentioned, cockatiels love eating cashews, so it’ll be easy to include these nuts into the parrot’s diet.

Although to make sure the nut is safe for your parrot, ensure you store them properly to avoid dangerous fungus and bacteria build-up. If these nuts are stored in moist places, this can lead to fungus development in the nuts, making them dangerous to digest for your parrot. So be sure to use dry storage cans for the nuts.

Also, avoid giving salty nuts to your cockatiel.

Cockatiels adore basically any nuts, yet cashews specifically are so rich in micronutrients that they are overpowering cockatiels.

With all this in mind, nonetheless, there are still a few critical admonitions to remember while taking care of your cockatiels cashews.

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Are Cashews Bad for Cockatiels?

Cashews are ok for parrots only If they are given as a snack and under proper moderation from the owner.

Cashews should not be the main dish in the parrot’s diet. Because of the high amount of fat and calorie this nut contains, too much cashew in the parrot’s diet can lead to obesity and troubles with digestion. Give cashews to your cockatiel 1-2 times a week, and this should be enough to gain all the benefits of these nuts.

Since they are so rich in microelements, your parrot just necessities to eat a modest number before it gets the advantages it needs.

Much else, and it will be over-burden, causing torment and distress.

The next question that arises is should I cook the nuts or can I give raw nuts to the cockatiel?

Can Cockatiels Eat Raw Cashews?

Raw nuts are the closest to cockatiels’ natural diet. Moreover, it’s the most convenient way to give these nuts to your parrot.

Your cockatiel will like the crunchy surface, and they will get the full expansiveness of supplements that haven’t been lost to cooking.

One thing that is recommended is to soak the nuts before you feed your cockatiel. Soaking reduces the number of oxalates and phytates in nuts. These elements prevent nutrients and minerals from absorption. Soak nuts overnight, and then give them to your lovely pet.

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Can Cockatiels Eat Cooked Cashews?

There is really no point in giving cooked nuts to your cockatiel. However, you can occasionally give them some cooked cashews left from your food. So one or two cooked nuts would not be a problem.

Moreover, cashews may be cooked in oil with the addition of salt, which can be harmful to a cockatiel’s digestion. So give you a preference to raw nuts.

As I said, raw is generally best and gives the full expansiveness of microelements.

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Final Thoughts

To sum up, get unsalted raw cashews for your parrot. These will be the best to include and diversify the cockatiel’s diet. Make sure you store the nuts correctly to prevent bacteria and fungus development in them. You can also soak the cashews before giving them to your parrot.