Parrots are mostly endemic to warm tropical places. Thus, it must mean that their primary food source is a tropical fruit, right? If not primary, then prevailing. You may think that parrots are fans of coconuts, considering the tropical location of the fruit. Is it true or not? I know the answer! And I’m going to uncover all the rules and details of feeding parrots coconuts.
And your parrots can eat coconuts safely! It is totally acceptable for them! Moreover, they totally enjoy this tasty treat. Coconuts are among the favorite fruit of most parrot types. Thanks to a healthy mix of iron, magnesium, and several vitamin groups, coconuts are a natural remedy for many illnesses that may befall your bird. However, there are certain rules and nuances about how to use coconuts and what products to use.
As you’ve learned that parrots can eat pineapples safely and enjoy the treat, you’ll wonder about all exotic fruits. For now, let’s check coconuts and, later, move on to the next ingredient on your list!
Overall, know that a pure whole coconut cannot harm your parrot. As for the benefits and other products, read further to find out!
Can Parrots Eat Coconut Meat?

Coconut meat, or flesh, as you may know, is absolutely safe for parrots. However, you should also know that scientists still debate how effective the flesh is compared to coconut milk, for example.
However, there are several proven benefits of eating coconut meat, both for humans and parrots alike.
- Digestive balance. The high contents of fibers in coconut meat bring incredible health benefits to your parrot. They target a variety of functions, but the most obvious influence is on the digestive system. As you know, people also should eat enough foods with high fiber contents to help their digestive systems work well. In addition to fibers, MCTs contained in coconut were proven to protect the system against inflammation by strengthening the natural bacteria residing there.
- Brain health. Healthy brain functioning means that your bird can live a long and happy life alongside you even in its senior years. Parrots are among the smartest animals, and keeping them sharp is your task. The MCTs I’ve mentioned for digestion play a deciding role in aiding and giving energy to your bird’s thoughts and memory.
- Healthy heart. Cholesterol is not a problem for humans solely. Parrots are in just the same danger as we are. That is why coconut meat should be included in your parrot’s diet, as it boosts healthy cholesterol and decreases bad cholesterol.
- Overall immunity. All the nutrients contained in coconut meat strengthen your parrot’s immune system. Alongside the MCTs that I seem to mention repeatedly, coconut contains a decent dose of manganese and several antioxidants that reduce inflammation.
Can Parrot Eat Coconut Flakes?
Okay, if you like coconuts as much as I do, you are already a fan of coconut flakes! This is an incredible treat, especially if they are 100% natural and you are on a diet, am I right? Tell me frankly, have you already tried feeding your parrot some of the flakes you have at home for yourself? And now you are here just to check!
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Anyway, know that coconuts flakes are safe for parrots to eat. Provided that they are clean (without added sugars, preservatives, chocolate, etc.) So, if you have a bag of clean coconut chips, you can use them as an occasional treat for your parrot as well. Besides, they are just as useful as fresh coconut. So, here are some benefits that you can expect from them.
- A moderate amount of sugar. Coconut flakes are an excellent snake for the fun time when you play active games with your pet and are in need of an energy boost. However, the flakes contain less sugar than many other fruits. Thus, you get a slight boost of energy, completely safe for the pet.
- Fibers. Just as with coconut flesh, flakes are rich in fibers. After all, they are made of the mentioned flesh! So, your digestion is in good hands.
- MCFA Benefits. The magical component of coconuts is their fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids (the MCTs I’ve mentioned in coconut flesh) are useful types of fats. These are extremely important components that keep the overall immunity of the birds intact. Also, they safely boost a parrot’s energy which is exceptionally efficient in the form of flakes. A parrot can eat coconut flakes in the middle of playtime and remain in a good mood.
Many parrot owners swear by the fatty acids from coconuts. It is the magical solution that keeps a parrot’s appearance and mood cheerful. I value the most its antibacterial properties most.
Though, you should know that MCFA is better to get from coconut oil as it is more concentrated and absorbs better.
Coconut Flakes Recipe
Now, instead of buying pre-made coconut flakes or chips, as you may find in stores, try making the 100% healthy ones at home! Though you can find safe flakes in stores, you never know what is going on. I prefer homemade foods for my pets when possible. Besides, making coconut chips is easy and fast. And you’ll get a healthy (diet-approved) snack for yourself as well.
This is the basic recipe that is most suitable for parrots. For your plate, you can customize them with cream, yogurt, chocolate, etc.
- 1 coconut
- Crack the coconut and pour the water out. (If you don’t know how to open a coconut, I highly suggest checking for YouTube tutorials to find the right way.)
- Separate coconut meat from its shell. Use a knife and wiggle it between the two. (Some sources also suggest freezing a coconut overnight before cracking it; though, I’ve never tried the method.)
- Peel the coconut flesh from the brown film that sticks to it from the shell side.
- Peel the fruit into small chips. You can use the regular vegetable peeler for that.
- Place them on a baking sheet in a thin layer and bake at 60 degrees for an hour. (that is 140 Fahrenheit)
As an alternative, you can try mixing coconut chips with coconut oil before baking (ratio 1:1).
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Speaking of coconut oil….
Can Parrot Eat Coconut Oil?
These days, people tend to slather coconut oil all over their bodies! Most consume it both for inner and outer purposes. Do you also believe in the power of coconut oil? Personally, I admire the devotion but think people are overreacting without studying the benefits of this oil and its use.
However, one undoubtful thing is that parrots benefit greatly from coconut oil. And I do not suggest slathering the feathers with it. Its true power is in eating the oil.
There are several ways of extracting oil from coconuts, and I honestly have no idea about its mechanics. The more important thing to know is that, in the process, those fatty acids I’ve mentioned before are preserved in a healthy natural jar of oil.
I’ve already discussed many benefits of these fatty acids and have little to add. Only the fact that MCFAs are better preserved and highly concentrated in the oil form of coconuts.
Now, a logical question arises – how to use coconut oil for parrots? After all, it is oil; parrots do not eagerly eat such a fatty substance on its own!
You may find the suggestion of diluting it in water, but I prefer food for this purpose better. As parrots are tiny creatures, some more than the other,
I recommend adding about ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil on average. You should start from just even lower to see how the bird reacts. Of course, in time, you can adjust the dose to suit your parrot’s needs.
The general rule of thumb is ⅛ teaspoon of coconut oil per day for every 1 pound at first. Also, when feeding your parrot coconut oil, never use a cheap one. This is not something you’ll put on your hair. It directly affects the health of your pet.
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How to Add Coconut Oil to Parrot Food?
There are two main ways of using coconut oil.
- Melt it. If you slightly melt the oil and pour it into a mix of crushed seeds and nuts you usually give your bird, you can make something of a treat stick you see in shops. Be sure that the substance is cool enough for the bird before serving.
- Cut cool chunks. You may be surprised, but if you cut a couple of oil chunks in its solid form and throw them into the mix of parrot food, the bird will eat them just as early as the rest of the ingredients.
Can Parrot Drink Coconut Milk?
Coconut as a whole is a healthy treat for parrots. Especially for the species, the whole homeland is rich in coconuts. It is not animal milk that is foreign to their diet. Coconut milk may be fatty, but a tiny shot here and there wouldn’t harm your bird.
The main rule is never to give your parrot coconut milk from a can! In most cases, it contains lots of harmful substances to improve its taste, shelf life, and so on. If you like coconuts just as much as your bird, buy whole fruit and cut it open at home. Thus, both you and your bird get tasty treats.
With that in mind, I’d limit the amount of coconut milk to only a couple of days a week!
As you see, all parts of the coconut are safe for parrots. You may treat your bird with various parts of coconut and its products fairly regularly compared to many other fruit types. Especially if you give it coconut flesh.
Remember, though, that everything you feed your bird should be in moderation. Parrots like diversity anyway! It means they become bored with the foods you give them daily, even multiple times a day. Thus, make it interesting; surprise your bird.