Can Parrots Eat Oranges? Safe Ways to Do It

Parrots have very gentle digestion, and it can bring them problems because they are very curious about everything they eat. Therefore, you need to know exactly what food you can give your parrot to avoid problems. Most fruits are good for them, but there are toxic avocados and acidic tomatoes. What about oranges? This citrus fruit is very beneficial for humans. After all, it contains many vitamins. Can parrots eat oranges?

Yes, parrots can eat oranges. They are quite safe for birds. You should add oranges to your pet’s diet because they supply the bird’s body with useful minerals and vitamins. However, oranges are very acidic, so there are some conditions and restrictions you need to know.

Let’s explore the topic of parrots and oranges together. What amount of this citrus fruit can your parrot eat? What is the best way to feed your parrot with oranges? Are there any side effects of oranges for parrots? Let’s answer all these questions together!

Can Parrots Eat Orange Peels?

Orange peel is a source of many beneficial elements because, in a small piece, there are more vitamins and fiber than in the whole fruit. It contains vitamins and minerals that are found in large quantities in the pulp. Orange peel supports the parrot’s nervous system and promotes proper digestion.

Therefore, it will be good for the parrot to eat the orange along with the peel, but you should wash the fruit thoroughly. Also, try to choose organic fruits to avoid pesticides and other chemicals.

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Can Parrots Drink Orange Juice?

You can add orange juice to your parrot’s diet, as it also contains all the health benefits of oranges. However, you need to control the amount, as this juice contains a lot of acids, which can harm your parrot. Dilute the juice with water and choose a serving the size of one sip. That should be enough.

You can make yourself fun and drink juice with your parrot because they really like to repeat all your actions. The taste of orange juice will delight your pet and turn into healthy entertainment.

Should I Peel an Orange before Serving It to My Parrot?

When preparing food for our parrots, we often peel all vegetables and fruits, thinking that our pets are too tender and helpless. However, this is a mistake because parrots love complex food. It is pleasant entertainment for them. Parrots can peel fruits and vegetables with their beaks and claws, and they love it. What’s more, it’s part of the mental exercises that you shouldn’t take away from your parrot. So offer them orange with the peel and let them decide if they eat it all or just get the pulp out.

How to Efficiently Serve Oranges to Your Parrot?

Oranges are a source of various beneficial vitamins for your parrot, so add them to your pet’s diet regularly. You can make orange juice, dry wedges, or simply cut a fresh orange into small pieces. You need to know a few details for oranges to be of great benefit to your parrot. Let’s figure it out together!

Add Oranges to Your Parrot’s Regular Diet

While you can certainly make oranges a delicious treat, I recommend adding them to your parrot’s regular diet. You don’t need to give them too much, as oranges are acidic, so a bite or two will be good. Watch your parrot’s sensations when you give them orange for the first time so that you can notice possible allergic reactions in time.

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Make Sure the Oranges Are Fresh and Clean

If your parrot tastes spoiled fruits or vegetables, it is likely that they will never eat them again. So make sure the orange is very fresh before giving it to your parrot. Also, be careful with the peel. It must be clean and washed to remove pesticides. If possible, buy organic oranges for your parrot to keep them safe from chemicals.

Pick Sulfur-Free Dried Oranges

Your parrot can really enjoy dried orange slices. However, most dried fruits can contain sulfur dioxide, and oranges are no exception. Sulfur dioxide is a popular preservative that extends the shelf life of dried fruits. However, this substance can bring health problems to your parrot. So read labels carefully or cook dried oranges at home.

Choose Homemade Orange Juice

Like dried oranges, packaged orange juice contains various preservatives that can harm your pet. Therefore, you should make orange juice at home. I also recommend that you always dilute orange juice with water because it contains too much acid and can upset the digestive system of a bird.

You should also remember that parrots can have a variety of food allergies. Therefore, if you notice that your parrot is feeling unwell, call your vet immediately. In general, oranges are non-toxic and good for parrots, but some birds are too sensitive for them.

What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Oranges for Parrots?

Oranges are a unique source of vitamin C, like all citrus fruits. They are also rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, and group B. Oranges are high in potassium and fiber. Therefore, they will be a real superfood for your parrot if given in moderation.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps your parrot develop by supporting tissue, bone, muscle, and feather growth. It helps birds cope with various infections and improves their abilities.

Vitamin B

B vitamins support your parrot’s mental health by helping birds cope with stress and regulate mood. They also improve blood vessel health and strengthen the heart.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also about vascular and heart health, proper blood pressure, and blood circulation. Also, this vitamin helps maintain a healthy immune system, heal injuries and recover from stress.

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Calcium maintains the density of the bones, beak, and claws of the bird. It helps parrots stay active in old age and protects them from various injuries.

What Are the Dangers of Uncontrolled Intake of Oranges?

Parrots have very delicate digestion, and many foods can upset this, especially if the nutrient balance is disturbed. Too many oranges will be dangerous for your parrot due to possible pesticides and high acidity. Let’s take a look at all the side effects of adding a lot of oranges to your parrot’s diet.

Too Much Fiber

Oranges are high in fiber, and if your parrot eats too much, it can upset the bird’s digestion. If you notice diarrhea or cramping in your parrot, these are clear signs of overeating fiber.


Pesticides in large quantities are often fatal to birds, and orange peels can contain them. They can damage your bird’s liver and kidneys and harm internal organs. Therefore, peel oranges thoroughly before serving them to your parrot or opt for organic fruits.


Store-bought dried fruits usually contain too many dangerous preservatives. And if this amount is not so harmful to humans, then regular use of pesticides can be fatal for a parrot. Each parrot perceives pesticides differently, but they are dangerous to all birds.

Try to choose organic vegetables and fruits to avoid chemical poisoning of your parrot. What’s more, organic fruits are often higher in vitamins and minerals and are healthier for parrots.

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High Acidity

For every living thing, the pH level in the body is very important. If there is no balance in this, it leads to various diseases. If the pH is too high, your parrot will simply not be able to absorb most of the nutrients from food. Also, overeating acid in oranges can negatively affect the natural acid in their stomach.


To summarize, I can say that oranges are a great part of your parrot’s diet. As with any fruit and vegetable, choose organic oranges or peel them thoroughly before feeding your parrot.

Give your pet a small amount of oranges regularly as they are high in vitamins and minerals. However, do not give them too much to avoid damaging your parrot’s pH balance. Mix oranges with other vegetables and fruits like juicy blueberries or crunchy carrots. Let your parrot’s diet be tasty and healthy!