
Welcome! My name is Irene and I'm an avid parrot enthusiast and breeding assistant. It all began when I was little and got my first parrot pet. Since then, there wasn't a time when I didn't have a chirping bird around. I'll gladly share the experience and knowledge I've gathered after years of parrot ownership and sanctuary volunteering!

can parrots get fat

Can Parrots Become Fat?

When it comes to parrot health, the first thing you need to take care of is a healthy diet. Parrots have rather sensitive digestive systems and will not refuse harmful food on their own. Thus, you have to make sure that it eats healthy.  In addition to potentially harmful products, a responsible owner has to …

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Can Parrots Eat Bread?

As a child, my friends and I often threw bread to the birds. I think a lot of kids did this, and I was no exception. All that we had left at home from bread, various crumbs, and half-eaten pieces, everything went to feeding the birds that flew into our garden. At that time, I …

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Can Parrots Eat Butternut Squash?

Butternut squash always gives us a delicate feeling during the cold months because it is warm and comfortable food. We prepare nutritious soups and delicious side dishes, which are very healthy because they are full of vitamins. Parrots also love the warm, nutritious food from our plate because it provides them with vitamins and minerals. …

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